JAN / FEB 2009 * THE
by the Association of Universal Philosophy,
“This is your Earth; this is your time.
Make your
But we say
unto you and to all mankind,
the Lord, our
God, loves of His children”
“Learn the lesson of the fig tree,”
Ray Elkins often said before he gave new year’s prophecies. He spoke of Jesus’
words on what will happen just before he comes. Was Ray telling us signs to
look for before the Messiah’s coming, that we might know it?
Jesus told us in Matthew, chapter 24, after these things
occur: “Then will appear in
heaven the sign that heralds the Son of Man. All of the people of the world
will make lamentation, and then they will see the Son of Man coming on the
clouds of heaven with great power and glory. With a trumpet blast he will send
out his angels, and they will gather his chosen from the four winds, from the
farthest bounds of heaven on every side.
“Learn a lesson from the fig-tree. When its tender shoots appear and are
breaking into leaf, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see
all these things, you may know that the end is near, at the very door. I tell
you this: the present generation will live to see it all. Heaven and earth will
pass away; my words will never pass away.
“But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven,
not even the Son, only the Father. [See Matthew, chapter
The spiritual messengers of God,
Aka, spoke through Ray, both in waking and in trance state; many prophecies
have been written for us in the readings. Although people often asked Ray or
Aka for a date or time, as proof that a prophecy was true, this is not how spirit
from God usually prophesied through the prophets or in Jesus.
In previous years, prophecies we could not
even understand when they were spoken are now increasingly before us in the
daily news. We are seeing not one event, but many events related to each
prophecy, more frequently or with more intensity. Are these increasing signs for
all mankind to see that the Messiah’s time draws near? Did Ray, and Aka through
him, tell us so that we may recognize long-prophesized signs and prepare a way
in our hearts for his coming?
The spiritual messengers of God
we now seeing prophecies being fulfilled by Jesus, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel,
Muhammad, American Indians and other prophets -- as well as the spiritual
messengers of God -- of what will happen before the Messiah comes? How blessed
we are to see the Messiah is at the very door.
Jesus said: “When you hear the
noise of battle near at hand and the news of battles far away, do not be
alarmed…the end is still to come. For nation will make war upon nation, kingdom
upon kingdom; there will be earthquakes in many places; there will be famines. With
these things the birth-pangs of the new age begin.” [See Mark, chapter 13.]
If we see the signs and know the
prophecies, can we understand the timing and events to unfold this coming year?
Wars and rumors of wars
Since the spiritual messengers of God first spoke to us in
1970, they warned of “Black September.” Modern terrorism began as Yasser Arafat
led a group of militant radical religious fundamentalists in a bloody battle by
that name. Aka said, if unstopped, it could enflame the world. It continued in
1974 with the terrorist-led Palestinian charter for statehood with a goal to
TV-evangelist Jack Van Impe said
in January 2009, “The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is
behind this January’s Hamas-Israeli war;” because he is behind Hamas in
U.S. Intelligence amends its
estimate to now say that
One person on an airplane could
carry germs from coast-to-coast spreading disease that would kill millions, Van
Impe said.
The spiritual messengers of God said,
The Wall Street Journal reported,
“Just one nuke” would destroy electrical power. A nuclear-armed missile
launched from a ship at sea 200 miles offshore could destroy one city, but
after it exploded 300 miles up in space it could destroy the magnetic field so
that all electrical devices would go out from coast-to-coast in
There are wars and rumors of wars. And
great wars, the greatest of wars, has not happened yet.
We shall also say unto all of you, your
inflationary depression has not ended. Inflation shall continue.
Earthquakes and famines
Aka has told us many times to prepare for the
famine that would begin as an inflationary depression brought on by man. Last
winter, as the stock markets and world economy fell, reporters said famine
could become worldwide.
The chart on the left shows the
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) growing from 759 in 1980 to 11,497 in 2000.
Continuing on the right, this chart shows the DJIA fell from 10128 in 2000 to 8473
Although the DJIA was only around
2500 in 1990, and 7800 in February 2003, as the dollar inflates, could this be
what Aka calls an inflationary depression? Another
the inflationary depression shall continue. Throughout the world,
tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes
now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto
you, prepare, therefore, for this time….
We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand. We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them. [Editor’s note: See The Revelation, chapters 12-13.]
say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee
Fifth Angel [and
the Sixth now] walks upon thy earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.
For as the spirits of God should be as the pebbles in a brook, as the souls of man should be as pebbles of an ocean, as the spirits of man should be as the pebbles in a river, all shall flow unto the many lands. The doorway shall be opened. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.
We have brought you forth. The psychic abilities we have placed within the same, of soul Ray, should be utilized and publicized to the fullest extent. We say unto you, go forth. We shall open the doorways for you. Hasten, leste the Seventh Seal should be opened upon thy earth, for the Fifth [and Sixth] Angel walks upon your earth now. [See The Revelation, chapters 5-20.]
We say unto you, thy haven’t known of the story of Jonah, that our Lord, God, sent him forth unto the city to warn the people of a day of destruction of the city? And the people did change their ways and turn back unto their God, and the Lord, God, spared the city. Jonah became much disillusioned and walked out of the city and said, “Oh Lord, why have you placed me into such ridicule?”
the Lord, God, spoke back unto him into this manner. “IT WAS YOUR JOB,
choice has been given the Earth this day, this time. If man shuns these words,
this Rose without a Thorn, then man shall perish in a polluted land and
no rose at all shall grow….
have placed before you a prophet, a healer. We have molded into “our kind, of
our image,” a gift unto man, that he that should come after this one should
bring forth your thousand years of peace upon your earth, a new heaven and a
new earth, that the earth may join with the other proportions of the galaxies
in peaceful harmony, that God’s children may return back unto their many
mansions, each in their own way, each by their own free choice…. [See The Revelation,
chapters 21-22.]
in the time, the time of the barbarians, in the hours of darkness, if the Rose
is not picked up, then the years of darkness shall come upon the earth. But
even then, it shall emerge into light again….
"Thank you, Aka. [7-7-74-004] asks, ‘Concerning the famine, which you have spoken of, how widespread, and to what degree will it affect the E1 Paso-Southwest area? And when can we expect its coming?’”
We shall answer in this manner. The time of the famine
is now. You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure
across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself
beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same. And
then will come forth the time when it will stabilize itself and be worth more. [Note: And this was true.
For example, the DJIA fell from about 800 when Aka spoke
these words to 578 by the end of that year. Then it rose to 10000 in 1976. It
fell again in 1980, and then climbed until the year 2000, then fell to 7591 in
2002-03, and rose to its high of 13930 in 2008, to plummet below 8000 today. In
January 2009, MSNBC shows photos of men in lines for food in 1932 in
we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto
the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way
that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And
in this manner you shall be prepared for the same. But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy
today, you shall pay more for tomorrow. We would suggest in this manner, that
full knowledge on this subject has been placed within soul Ray’s mind. Come
unto him for consultation -- or bring forth him into lecture form that he may
tell unto the multitudes…. [Note: In 1974 it seemed
almost impossible to believe what Ray told us, that a loaf of bread that cost
50 cents would one day cost $5.]
“Thank you, Aka. [
]…asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place
in the next 10 to 15 years?’”
We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind. We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God. We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.
Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth. But war, also, may come forth with it.
This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.
we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children.
But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary
once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these
days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all
of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See
The Revelation, chapters 6-8. The spiritual messengers of God told us beforehand,
in 1983, that the Sixth Seal had been opened – it was before fishermen off the
coast of Peru discovered a warm underwater current in the Pacific at Christmas they
named, El Nino, which scientists
think changes the Earth’s climate. El
Nino brings strong storms, tornadoes of greater frequency and intensity,
strong hurricanes, heavy rainfall, and flooding of rivers and farmland in some
parts of the earth, and yet, droughts, famines (and thus pestilence) in others.
Whether the climate experiences an El
Nino or La Nina season depends on
which way the underwater Pacific current flows, warmed by volcanic activity. Remember
Aka’s words, the great Sword is cutting our earth, dividing the land and dividing
February 25, 1976: As we have said before, that we would tell you when
the time of the famine had arrived, and so we say unto you…pestilence and
droughts, earthquakes, tornados, and volcanoes shall sweep the land. We say
unto you, thousands and millions shall die. But prepare thyselves,
now, and this need not happen.
world shall go hungry. The one known as Jesus did say, “For beware when that
day should arrive. Pray that it does not come in the
winter time, for thy children shall freeze from the cold, for they should have not clothing nor food.” And we say unto you,
prepare, now, and these things thy shall live
through….[See Mark
told you we were here but for one purpose, and that was for the preparation for
the coming of the Messiah….
we shall tell you that man shall be tempted, much as the one known as Jesus was
tempted. For those who shall rise through this temptation shall walk in the
footprints and beside the Messiah who should come. But all these things must
come forth, so that your land and you shall be ready for his coming. The earth
shall change its face; each step, one behind the other.
shall say unto you, once before in this land did come a time such as this. You
called it your depression, your Great Depression. And the wind did come and
lain bare the ground. Yet many of you here this day lived through that time.
Yet, you have become a different people, a people used to buying all things
that they need. But now you have before you an inflationary depression.
This can strike the land with a two-sided blade. One shall cut away the land,
and part it. The other shall cut away the people….
We say unto you, the famine is upon you.
A new source of energy shall be placed at your hands. There’ll be times when that that you know [of] the banking system may
be cut away from the people; this will be due to earth changes and isolation,
but this isolation shall not be for long periods of time. Your currency
shall be inflated even more, but it shall still be a good currency, for the
dollar, as you would know it, shall soon stabilize itself on the world market. Remember,
the whole world surrounds your dollar. If your dollar fails, the world fails,
even the Russian world….[Continued on back page.]
Listening to Aka,
the spiritual messengers of God
as they spoke through Ray Elkins
Aka is here.
"Aka, does Ray stand with God?"
Soul Ray stands with God.
Now all is in accord. And now we say unto thee, be
And we say this into all, as we have said before, the
first shall be last and the last shall be first. And upon your heaven shall be
your earth, for as all is transformed into five upon your earth, therefore, you
shall have a heaven on earth.
And you say unto us, “How could this be
possible?” Then we would say unto thee, the time shall come, and this time
shall be the time of One, and in this time all man shall be of five, for as it
is written, man was made “of our kind, of our likeness.” Therefore, your time
is near that what thee would know as the God of man and the man-God, for as you
were made in “our kind, of our likeness,” your power and the power bestowed
into man was not equal unto God, but of His likeness. We have said before,
should thee choose to walk on the water with us -- one moment, please. [See Genesis 1:27-28, 5:1-24.]
Our Father -- our Father would say these words unto
And this time, our Father should have the blood of the
Lamb upon your land, for your Messiah shall walk with thee, in every corner of
your earth and in every corner of your mind. Then, be ye transformed into our
kind, into our likeness.
Can you understand of which we speak?
"No, Aka.”
Nay, then unto all disciples shall be these
messages. First, our messages and our healing shall come into thy minds, as we
have said before, as raindrops. Now thy enter the storm, and we see the
necessity that thy minds shall develop far beyond your wildest imagination. Therefore,
we should send these teaching dreams into thee.
But remember these words, soul Paul, fear
not that the Lamb should blind thee; let him blind thee only with his love. And
as you would blind another, blind them only with thy love.
And for soul Luke, we would say for the
impatient one, blessed are those who should walk alone. Blessed are those who
would fall, but yet, in their falling, help another upon their feet. Remember,
soul Luke, our Father loves thee; our Father sends the blessings that thy seek.
But nay, soul Luke, thy shall remain upon this earth to do the work in which we
have chosen them. Your desire at times to pass beyond this is not of our
Father’s choosing. Remember, soul Luke, that as Christ was tempted once before,
so shall ye be tempted, in many ways. But think thee, that all demons shall be
cast from thy mind, and knowledge of our Father’s shall take its place in thee.
Remember, too, be not afraid to place thy hands upon another in healing; this
power comes from our Father, for you shall be as in now, as in five.
And we say unto soul John, and to soul Matthew,
these words. We have called thee to walk on the water with us. If thy choose
to, and have faith, thy candle shall burn forever. Your feelings are hurt too
easy. We see this. Replace thy feeling with faith.
And now, we see the question in thy mind. And
we find the body, the soul and the spirit of soul [10-2-70-001]. And we see need of this reading. Therefore,
we shall enter thee into thy immortal soul, thy immortal body, and thy immortal
And at this time, permission has been given that thy may
travel in our Father’s light. Therefore, we find this soul in the time of
[Treplan]. We find this soul as a laborer in the fields. At this period of man’s
development, man has learned to control [others] minds, the development, the
highly development of the mind. And as man controlled not only man’s mind, but
man’s bodies, we find this soul as a birth thought. Before, man therefore could
also change the chemical of other men in their thought pattern. Yours was not
complete, and therefore, you quietly looked beyond and into the heavens. And in
your thought mind you prayed unto God for deliverance, and therefore, your
Father reached down unto thee and unto thy people and delivered thee. You led
your people out of this time. You lived at that time for 940 years. You took
all things with you but the knowledge, the scientific knowledge necessary to
maintain your life in the span as before. Therefore, your descendants grew
backward into the animal-beast.
Now, we find this
entry again not until the time of the year of number 4 in Atlantis. At this
time we find this soul as a cobbler, a maker of the shoes that were worn. These
shoes that were made at this time were not of, like any thy know of today;
these shoes were known as a...anti-gravity shoes. The shoes were used to offset
the force of your earth’s gravity. We find you much in the work of Priest [Arcan].
And in one of the many visits by Priest [Ra-Tai], you were transformed into the
land known as
Now, we see not again this soul until the
time of the Essenes, or as you would know it, the time of waiting, the time
before, as you would know him, Jesus Christ. We find you at this time as a
shepherd. And as the angels spoke unto thee of the coming of the Messiah, you
journeyed to worship this child, and therefore, stayed with this child until
after his 13th birthday, and therefore, we find thee dying of a fever. At this
time Christ placed his hands upon you and called thee back. And thy lived beyond the life of Christ upon this
Now, we see not this soul
again, and because of Jesus’ recall of this life, we see not again of this soul
until the 1800s. At this time we find this soul born at what thy now know of
Now, we would say unto this soul, for what
thy have done unto others has now been done unto thee. And we say unto this
soul, thy have seen the light of our Father. Therefore, thy have come, as thy
would know it, transformed, back into One.
Now we would ask this
soul again to do as he had done before, for you have been called back to do
this work. Remember, now is the time again of waiting. Now is the time thy
shall wait, for this time shall be even more important than was before. For as
the Messiah was born before, he shall be born again. Have patience, have faith,
and not as thy was once before, but as we shall call thee in this time, and we
shall call you as -- one moment, permission must be given.
Yes, we see this.
And we should call thee,
Thy asked, as
New knowledge shall be
born into thee. Think thee tonight and for three nights, first, of our Father
and then of the word, Aka, that we may enter. Then come again.
This is all of this soul at this time.
Ask your other questions.
"Aka, soul Ruth asks a question this
evening. ‘We have been told to store food for a time of famine. How can we eat
when others are starving?’”
In these words we should say unto soul Ruth,
there are many foods upon your earth. We see the needs of others. But remember
that all men should eat of the food of God, that the time shall come that no
man shall be hungry for any type of food; this work must go on. Our Father has
given unto thee healing; there is mighty work for thee, Ruth. Remember, our Father
blesses thee unto the highest. Our Father gives thee the gift of healing. Go
forth and use this gift unto others. There are many ways of healing. Where
there is no food, thy thought may provide food for others, both mentally and
physically, if in thy thought and in thy prayer, ask that this food be given
unto others. But remember, do not trespass upon another.
Ask your other
"Aka, at this
time, can you give a continuation on soul P__’s health reading?”
We should say unto thee again, soul Peter,
at this time -- one moment. Our Father should give the healing at this time
that is needed, both mentally and physically. We would suggest that soul P__,
at this time, the taking of
"Aka, at this time we have another
experimental release on one we have brought up before, much to my error in pronunciation
of the name. We would like to try again for a health reading on a [9-5-70-007].
Can you give us any information on him at this time?”
Yes, we see the body, the soul and the
spirit; we also see [their] need. Therefore, permission has been given.
We find, first, on
this soul, cancerous-type growth on the facial area. We also find this growth
shall inline deeply into the vocal cord area. We would suggest that this soul
seek a good physician.
We find healing could be suggested within
thy group, if each one, in their own way, should give of a prayer for this
soul. [Editor’s note: There is a 50-second pause.]
Now, we should also say, remember, in thy
request thy cannot ask and we are not given permission to give information from
one soul unto another. This reading was given only by permission from our
Father, for this soul did not sign, as thy would know it, of the release form.
Now soul Ray becomes very weak, and
therefore, we would suggest that thy should waken him. But remember, before we
go, now is the time of the Cherub.
[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth
dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the audio recording
to improve accuracy. Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe,
Welcome to another surprise year. I call it that because it
seems that anything after 2000 is a surprise. It is not the same as anything in
the numbers that came in the time beginning with 19 such as 1999. 1+9= 10 or a
1 and anything that comes in the year 2000 are under the energy of 2. The “1”
is a beginning; a “2” is the sharing. “2” is a pairing time and learning
to work with your fellow man. Now the surprise part is the next number you add.
This year it is the “9.” Add a 2+9 and you get a “2” or an “11” year. There is
the “2” again.
This is a year of diplomacy and cooperation in dealing with
others in business and in our personal lives as well. Learning to share and
having patience to wait for it is the strength of this year. You will find
patience is a hard thing when you are under stress, but if you can do so you
will learn from and enjoy this New Year. Aggressive impatience will cause
trouble and hard times for all. It will be bad enough for many without
disharmony, and we will all be ask to share what we have or what we know for
many this year. Keep peace in your hearts and you will find you can help others
as well. Due to stress and worry, anger and illness is going to be great for
many. Hopefully we will find a way to help our sick ones and come up with
financial help for all who need it but as long as we work together we can make
it. It will seem as if our prayers aren’t working but they are. We must keep our
focus when we pray. Thoughts are too easily scattered but we can pull through
as long as we stay focused.
Our crazy weather is also a factor in the problems we face.
It will be cold because it is winter, but we will have some really bad storms
where it is usually calm and dry and it will dry out in places that usually
have a lot of rain or snow. Flooding then of course will come. Fires and
mudslides will be very prominent in more than just
Now we also have the “11” or master number, meaning any who
can keep up with the heavier energy are stronger than most and can handle some
of the harsher times. “11” is actually a strong-willed person that handles
things with a soft, but determined hand on, whatever
the problem may be. This person usually is a spiritual or political leader that
can do well as long as ego or pride doesn’t interfere. We will see what that
brings as the year goes on.
I hope you have a good year and all becomes better with the
world, and may you know that prayer will take you where ever you want to. God bless,
and enjoy!!!
This is the year of the OX, a big, lumbering animal
with a bad temper and a lot of muscle to move around. This is a stable, solid
animal with a strong character and usually very tolerant and a good sense of
humor, but when his anger is aroused he has a very bad temper. The ox is
fearless and will move forward with determination even if it is wrong. They
aren’t stupid by any means, but they are very stubborn. When they set their
mind to a task it usually is accomplished. They have the strength to work hard
and expect the same from everyone else around them. When they are on their
relax time they prefer to be at home doing whatever it takes to bring them
peace from their working attitude. If this means sleep they sleep, if it means
more work, they work just as hard at home as at work, but feel better for it
because it is something they wanted to do. I guess we shall see first hand; our
new president is born in the year of the OX,
This is the time of the year to dust off your old stuff and
clear away what is not needed. Your upcoming New Year is a time of prosperity
and progress because the OX is a hard-working, brown earth cow who believes in
hard work, celebrations, and much leaning toward family and honoring the
ancestors. You will be replacing the old with new and feeling pretty good about
things as long as the ancestors are happy. Earth is a very important thing to
focus on now, and you just can’t forget it. The winter is very rough, and then
spring will bring many floods and fires and the OX will find need to be very
busy. Work will be available. Money will be available if you work at it and OX
expects every one to work. It can be a very harsh time for some because of the
loss of jobs and homes and sometimes family. But the OX year is not heartless
and will give back with love and as much understanding as is possible. There
will be people to help. Don’t give up. It’s all a brand new beginning. Happy
New Year! May God’s blessings be upon us all!!!
Year of the
Rat: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008. This is a good luck year for the
Year of the Ox: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009. This is a
strong but good luck year for the Ox.
Year of the
Tiger: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010. This is a good luck year for
Tiger who will even get along with
Year of the
Rabbit/Cat: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011. This is a good time year
for the Rabbit/Cat. Have fun!
Year of the
Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000. This is a strong but lucky
year for the dragon in work and family.
Year of the
Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 1990, 2001. This is a year that the
Snake will be strangely protected by Mother Earth.
Year of the
Horse: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002. This is a good luck year for
the Horse which is also protected.
Year of the
Goat: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003. This is a year of good relationships
when you aren’t fighting, good luck year otherwise for
the Goat.
Year of the
Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004. This is a year of some
problems of health but that will be overcome and this
will turn out to be a good luck year for the Monkey.
Year of the
Rooster: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1982, 1993, 2005. This will be a protected
year for the Rooster. No matter what may be, they will
manage, sometimes without knowing it, to thrive.
Year of the Dog: 1934, 1946, 1958,
1970, 1983, 1994, 2006. This is a good time of attractions for the Dog. Money,
relationships, good times for the usually stressed
Dog. Have a good year, it’s good for you.
Year of the
Boar: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1984, 1994, 2007. This is a rough year for the
Boar. Health is the tough factor. Relationships are good and money is there but
it is sometimes a rough time. You will overcome!
Always remember this is for fun, and God is your guide. That
is how it should always be. God bless and keep you and yours, and may your New
Year be kind and prosperous.
Thank you,
Rev. Georgia Beamon
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Your inflationary depression walks hand in hand with your Fifth Angel, that now walks upon the ground, and man should wallow in its pity. For those of you who should fall, yet not rise, there shall be no more. But for those who shall stand, fall, and stand again, the storm should soon pass over and beyond them. And the country should rise in strength once again. We have said unto you that these years should be lean years….
will be those who shall rush around and destroy not only themselves but many
others. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to gather yourselves in the greatness of yourselves. And you shall
find the strength that shall lie there forth in the group forms. We shall say
once again, your salvation, your strength shall come
in your group forms, that of being able to rely upon your brother, and your
brother being able to take count of you. But from it all shall sprout a Rose
without thorns. [Note:
This is said to symbolize the birth or preparation for the Messiah.]
We shall now say unto thee in this way, in this manner, of a new, unto you, of electrical force that could be brought forth upon your earth in your time and crisis of energy needs. We shall say unto you that cosmic energy may…be dispensed much as you dispense your present electricity….
Now is the time of the Cherub. Glory be
the name of the Lord, our God. Glory unto man, His children.
now we shall say unto you, for fear only grows fear. It brings not laughter,
nor joy, nor happiness to your hearts. Anger leaves you with an unclear head,
not to think with, not to plan with, not to build with. Ask yourself, in each
task that you take, what is the most loving thing you can do for another? And
then do it. If you should take from your daily lives, and do this that we say,
the world of peace that we all seek, the preparation for the coming of the
Messiah, can be and shall be a reality. Now we say unto you, glory be the name
of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children.