Published by the Association of Universal Philosophy,
look at the seasons and you know the time it is….Can you not see it?
Have we not told you so?...
For we say unto you, the greatness and the
greatest of all things shall become upon your Earth once again”
“It is the Lord’s way of making you right
before the coming of what you would call, the Messiah. Some would call him
Quetzalcoatl; others would call him [Wicca]; others would call him Jesus; the
name meaning [naught], only to yourselves.
“But if you wish the pathway to your
Father’s mansions, a doorway has been set.”
Introduction by the Editor
candles in the center of a Star of David, encircled by three colors of corn
flour, represent the souls of those who chose to enter into the new world
during the sacred Corn Ceremony held at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road,
Arizona. During the hours Aka told us, the new heaven and new earth were joined
in the sacred circle into this world by the prophet, or Eagle, and Aka.
The first of four Corn Ceremonies was given
The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke during three
readings (July 10, July 31 and August 7, 1987) before the first Corn Ceremony
that was to come. [Their words are always printed in bold type in the
newsletter for you.]
It has been said that you look at the clouds and you know that you have a time for planting. You look at the seasons and you know the time it is. Yet now, we say unto you, now is the time for the harvest of the soul and the spirit.
Can you not see it? Have we not told you so? [Editor’s note: See Mark, chapter 13.]
For we say unto you, the greatness and the greatest of all things shall become upon your Earth once again. This time you shall know, and there shall be no doubt in the minds of the doubter. [See John 20:24-31.]
But approach it in a peaceful manner. Approach it in a manner of prayer, of dignity. Give it the dignity [that] it deserves.
But those who would look upon the desert lands and see the barren and waste, there is no waste in the desert land; everything is used. Because the water is [scarce] the Lord saw fit to hold great amounts of water beneath the earth. Yet it shall blossom, and become a garden once again. For much like the other lives that a man may live, so shall parts of the Earth. It has proved its worth; now it shall prove its kind.
We have left many questions in your minds. We say unto you, all the land was
And who and how did the Pima come about?”
And we would answer your question first, that the Pima and the Hohokam were of one. But they were of a clan and of a different clan. Those who lived, what [as] you know as the Phoenix area now, some left this planetary substance; others fled the land, because of two reasons − one, of a great climate change, the other, of great illness, that that you know of as Valley Fever.
They spread upward, but the Pima people were the core, or the center of the Hohokam. And the land that they chose to dwell upon was a
clean land without disease or problems. They chose to remain upon the Earth to
till the land, to bring the knowledge of “the People” to the people. The fertile crescent you shall find shall be as old as that that
should exist in
The greatest gift unto these people was the gift that they could give unto others. And they left upon the land the greatest knowledge. They left upon the land the only knowledge that could make this land grow fertile and grow − the land of the agricultur[e], the [land] of the moon cycles, the land and knowledge of all mineralogy. They brought forth unto you the knowledge of mathematics, of astronomy, of astrology, of microchemistry. They gave you both the material of the cotton, of the corn, and many others which you use today. And they gave them freely from the heart, because they knew that a gift given must be given expecting nothing in return − even unto the land of the Shining Mountain, which was given unto them by the Great Keeper.
And all the prophecies that were before shall be again.
And hear unto us now unto these words − for look unto the 16th of August, on the time of Quetzalcoatl, and you shall know the link between you, and that he walked among you and he gave you a great gift, and you have given it unto all mankind.
Yet it shall be given again. Now is the time of the cherubim.
Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this
manner and in this way.
For we shall
tell you the parable of the four worlds.
For in the beginning, God brought forth the seven spirits and said to them, “GO OUT AND PLANT A FIELD, AND WHEN THE FIELD IS RIPE BRING FORTH UNTO ME THE HARVEST.”
And so, the seven spirits went forth to plant the fields. And the first year they came back with many excuses, one blaming the other, because the harvest was not as they thought it should be.
Days passed. Years passed. Thousands of years passed.
And then one day the seven angels came back before the Lord, God, and with them they brought an abundant harvest. And they were jubilant, one unto another.
And the Lord looked upon them and [He] said, “NOW GO YE FORWARD AND CREATE THE WORLD.”
And so they went forth and they created a perfect world, when each and every thing within it was fruitful, and bore fruit. There were no deserts. There was no winters. There was just but spring, and all the fruits in abundance that came with summer.
And so the next world that they built was a bountiful world, but it had darkness, both night and day, and the waters were split away into [firmament] and the lands.
This time the spirits were becoming weary. They were beginning to ask, “What is it that our Lord wishes?” We have built in harmony and we have built together. We have built the best, and only the best, that we knew. We have placed nothing bad or evil in these worlds. But we shall build Him [a new], a world, if that is what You wish.
But they went forth unto Lord and they said, “Lord, tell us what You wish placed unto this world.”
So they created a new world. [This one] had mountains and valleys and deserts and forests, and oceans and lakes, and all things. It had the fowl of the air. It had the beasts of the earth. It had the fish of the water.
And they went back unto the Lord. And the Lord looked upon it and said, “BUILD ME ONE OTHER EARTH.”
And they looked upon it, and said, “Lord, it has all the things that we learned.”
And so they went about building an earth, an earth that had both good and evil, an earth great in abundance of all things, even unto the deserts, and beneath the earth water was placed, and many other [firmaments].
Now, we shall say unto you, the earth, the new earth that the Lord has given unto you, shall open unto you. Upon August the 16th it shall be opened. It shall begin to open at sunset August the 15th. And it shall begin to close at the sunrise, August the 17th.
Go unto your place of worship. And you shall take in your hands that of the yellow corn, and that of the white corn, and since you do not have that of the black corn or blue corn you may substitute it with flour mixed with ashes. The first circle shall be in the motion of the clock; the second shall be in the opposite motion of the clock; and the third shall be in the motion of the clock once again.
Do not break the circle. You shall have an opening, therefore, into the new world.
All those things you wish to leave behind write them up on a paper, and once you are inside of the circle burn them. All those things, that you would have if you were resurrected, which you shall be when you enter [your] new world, you shall leave behind. You shall leave behind the reason for reincarnation.
Yet, it is not to say that in this next world you shall not build new karma. But it is the Lord’s way of making you right before the coming of what you would call, the Messiah. Some would…call him Quetzalcoatl; others would call him [Wicca]; others would call him Jesus; the name meaning [ ], only to yourselves. But if you wish the pathway to your Father’s mansions, a doorway has been set.
You shall cleanse your body and make it ready the night before. You shall wash your body, and you shall wash your hair. This shall be done on the 14th. You must stay in your houses on this night. Therefore, prepare the food necessary that you do not have to leave your houses, making yourselves ready that you may enter with a new mind and a new body, and coming before God with a clean soul.
The words we speak shall be hard at first for you to understand fully. We have said before, we have but one purpose, and that is for the coming and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We come but [for that].
You have many questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. We have a group question. How many times and in how many places will this vortex open and for how long a period? Thank you, Aka.”
We have answered the last. The
vortex will be open from the night of the 15th [until] the morning of the 17th.
We say unto you, for the fourth year − into the fourth year, four times a
year, in the cycling of your moon, the vortex will open and close. You should
make time and space, that those who wish to cleanse themselves and enter into
the world, that they may come from many places to pass through this. There is
another vortex in
You must realize in the beginning this was given into five places. And into all of those there was the time to be built and a place to be set aside, where your atmospheric conditions would be right with the calendar and be right with the barometric conditions of your Earth. Due to the fact − that in the years prior to this, in the many years, one by one they have felled aside, and they forgot the way − and they did not prepare their people with the opening of the head − all but one has been [set] and not made ready.
Now you have one. Open your door − for those who knock may enter.
There are certain things that may be done in other places. We shall not mention of them, for they must be done of their own free choice.
But we say unto you unto these words, soul Ray’s mind knows how to open a vortex, if the atmospheric conditions are right and if it comes in the right moon cycle.
Do you understand of which we speak?
“Yes, Aka.”
You have questions, ask.
“Thank you Aka.____ ________ asks, ‘At what age is a person responsible for their actions toward the vortex or are they aware at every age?’”
A person does not enter into puberty, from childhood into adulthood, until the 13th year. All who have passed the 13th year is responsible for their own acts. No one may be forced through the doorway; they must pass, and only way they can pass is with an open mind and an open desire to pass through. Otherwise, even though they walk through the door they shall be denied entry.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you Aka. R_____ H______ asks,
‘How......many times…[the opening] for the Hopi,
the...and the Hohokom people? Thank you, Aka.’”] [Editor's note: the question on the
tape could not be heard well enough to transcribe it.]
Within a short time period, should your study groups continue, these things shall be provided that you need. Seek and you shall find. Look and you shall see.
It is like the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, the word, love. Love is all around you every day. So is knowledge. And the knowledge you seek is all around you, so close to you as your breath. The knowledge you seek you see, all the time.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. A group question − is there any limit to what we may leave in this Fifth World?”
No, there is no limit. Yet we say unto you, do not throw away the better parts of yourself in believing. Take with you even the part of you that some, or even yourselves, may not think the righteous.
And we shall explain to you in this manner. When a man walks up to a river, and he sees the river, and he says to himself, “I shall build a boat and cross this river” − and when he builds the boat and he crosses the river, and he sees people who want to go back, and he starts a business going back and forth across river − and he realizes that there are more people than one boat can carry, and so he builds a second boat, and a third, and fourth, this is not greed. It comes from the very heart and from the spirits of God.
Look at the heavens and see the vastness of it. Look at the universe, and galaxies beyond galaxies, and tell us that that that the Lord, God, built there − He built it for the beauty of it, for the need of it, for the want of it. None of these things are sins. What one person would consider a sin would not be a sin to another. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Take through the doorway that which you desire, and the Lord shall accept you in that manner.
You have other questions, ask….
you, Aka. On the night of the
16th................strong visualizations?”
[Editor’s note:
part of the question could not be heard on the tape recording.]
That that you shall see we are not allowed to tell you at this time. It shall come, and must come, from the [healing] of your heart. A gift is a gift. Do question it, accept it.
You have other questions….
“No, Aka, at this time we do not have any questions.”
Then we shall answer − if you wish to enter this world, wish it in your heart. But you must make the effort to do so. Then bring [the] candle, that you may pass through, to light the way.
Now is the time of the cherubim.
And we say unto you, you have taken one more step, closer. But remember, even when you pass through, you do not pass away from the time that is also about you, and that is the time of the Anti-Christ, for all the temptation[s] of that time shall go with you. For it will be born anew in this world, and it must be dissolved in that world.
have asked and you have received. And so, as this has been written, it has been
said and it has been done.
Commentary by Georgia Beamon
In the 1950’s we had a
time of growth right after a world war but always hanging over our heads was
the threat of the cold war, a nuclear war with the U.S.S.R. (Russia). This was
also the time of the Korean conflict which we still face today on a much lesser
scale. All this time we were told that the
In the
1960’s we entered the
We had not really solved
a lot of our uprisings. But we were willing to let it go for some semblance of
People died in
strange places like college campuses and some heads of state and people trying
to bring love back into our society. The
The prophecies ran even
more rampant. We began to be told the
This led to many
new ideas of how to make our world a better place to live since it was going to
be destroyed anyway and not many of us were willing to die just yet. I was
working for Ray Elkins by 1974 so I started hearing more and different
prophecies. Some of these prophecies became a real threat because they had
truth in them. AKA was a very real part of my opinion and attitude by
then. I saw to many miracles by Ray and company. I couldn’t discount what he
had to say and I found I finally felt at home with what was being said. I knew
if I followed the rules of AKA’s lessons I would be fine with what ever was
stated in the readings of AKA.
I watched the
Through much study and
many classes on study of the Mayan Calendar we found it wasn’t an end to the
world but an end of one time or world and a beginning of another time or world.
We were told that it was a coming together in peace and harmony the children of
earth and if we wished to join this we were to prepare to go through a Corn
Ceremony that would open a vortex from one world into another like a rebirth to
the new world as it would be once we agreed to let our old thoughts and
negative attitude go and begin to start anew with a more harmonic way of
looking at our new world.
We were told to prepare
for the Harmonic Convergence and to prepare for the opening of a vortex to
allow those who wanted to walk through the vortex going from the old world and
to go forward into another new world. This was called the Corn Ceremony. Ray
was given the ability to open the vortex and we were given instructions on how
to prepare ourselves and the circle for this to happen. We felt we were born
again into a beautiful new world. We were to take a list of the things we
wanted to change in our new world and burn the paper and accept the prayer
offered and as we walked through we entered a new world of spiritual growth and
knowledge for a better world.
Where we had been warned
of the end of the world, it turned out to be a change from the old ways and
thoughts and old ideals. With this understanding we found there were some
natural changes but as with all change it had some pain but mostly gain.
In the year 2000 we were
told our world would end again because of the new century and the ending of our
innocence. Again we all waited, wondering if we were going to have another day
of life. Of course there were many changes but no earthquakes came and the
electrical grids didn’t burn out and the computers stayed on line. The biggest
change was the ending of the 19th century and the beginning of the
20th, even we call it the 21st century we only begin all
our years with the number two and that created a new way to look at others. Now
we were more adapted to working close to others although we didn’t understand
it then.
We have been warned that
the time of the ending of the Mayan calendar is
The prophecies of this
time are of the world not just in
I believe we should
store food for up to six months as AKA had told us to do all along with any
medicines we may need if we can. If we store as needed we could use it for any
disaster that may be either personal or country wide.
Don’t run in fear
or store more than you can use and never us it. When we were given these new
prophecies we had a friend that stored and planned for a big disaster but when
he died they found that he died of starvation because he didn’t want to use any
of his emergency food.
I bring this up to show how each time there was a threat or warning it was very
real, but not the world end that we feared. I believe it is much like the
Harmonic Convergence in that we were told to change our lives, our spiritual
thoughts and our ways and prepare for a new world. I believe many of the rules
for the Harmonic convergence will be a part of our preparedness. We are told to
prepare for the coming of the Messiah. There will be wars and rumors of wars
but to carry on with the rules of AKA we will be where we need to be when the
changes come. Judy has given me a reading of the time of the Corn Ceremony.
Please read it with an open heart to understand that I feel we must all carry
this love with us or we will not understand the upcoming changes. Live in God’s
Love and be safe. God bless you!
Listening to Aka, the spiritual messengers of God,
as they spoke through Ray Elkins,
Aka is here.
“Good evening, Aka; where is soul Ray?”
Soul Ray stands with God.
Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of Thy children, forever and ever.
And we shall tell you this parable.
For upon the land the great of kings met. And they came from the four corners of the Earth. And they had decided that they would make war no longer, but they must find a way that they could live, one unto another, in peace.
And each came with his own piece of advice. And yet, from the smallest kingdom came one king who had ruled for many years, and all of his years had been fruitful.
And when all the kings came together they began to realize that they all respected and liked him. And so they said unto him, “Tell us what we must do to have peace. What piece of magic would you cast upon us to allow us to do this?”
And he looked upon them, and he said, “It is not necessary to love your neighbor. It is not even necessary to like your neighbor. But if you respect your neighbor, you will never do him wrong.”
The other kings were shocked. They could not understand that which he was speaking.
And he said, “If you meet each neighbor as though you had never seen him before, and you wanted to impress him, with each time that you met him, put your best foot forward, then you would respect your neighbor. You would allow him room for not having the best manners. You would forgive him his transgressions. But he must forgive you yours. If you are to make peace, one unto another, you must forget the past, and all things of the past. If your great grandfather was insulted by your neighbor, and you [felt] that you are still insulted because of the insult, you cannot make peace. You must forgive the past as you would forgive the future. The past is only important to you to know where you are going. It guides you that you would not make the same mistakes twice. But how often do you find yourselves making those mistakes, doing the same thing over and over, until finally you learn from it? And you call this karma? There are some things that are karma and there are some things that are stupid.”
The other kings looked upon this one. He never, in the time they had known him, had he ever spoken out in such a manner. They had all known him, and each of them thought they knew him personally. Yet they knew him not, for the things he said were all new to them, or so they thought.
And he said, “You think that the things I am saying to you is new, yet they are not. The only difference [with] each of you, I have said the same thing in a different way in your country, and in that manner it allowed you to not be compromised. But now we all meet on common grounds, and I must speak as you have asked me to speak to all of you, because you have asked my advice. And so I have given it.”
The kings decided that they must think upon these things. And so they departed, to come back another time. Each time they were to come back they would ask this one to speak once more for them.
Finally, he said unto them, “If I could come back and each time I speak unto you it means that we can go away and live six months or a year in peace, then I will continue to come back. But if I am coming back only to hear your wars and rumors of wars I need not do this. I could go home, and hear you from there.”
Some of you here do not understand that that we speak, or how we speak, or why. What we are saying to you is to be born again is to lay aside all of your transgressions. It is also to lay aside all others’ transgressions.
When you go through, from one world unto another, these things must be left behind. You may pass through a world and take through that which you wish to, but the passing will have meant nothing if you take your karma with you.
There are many parables that have been told unto you by those who are much wiser than us. And they have told you, forgive; lay aside; walk away from these things. The one who we are here to prepare the way for has told you, time and time again, the same thing we are trying to say now.
There are many of you who think that the passing from one world unto another − if you wish for knowledge and you thirst for it, and you leave those things behind you, then the knowledge you thirst for shall be there.
We say unto you in this
manner, and we say these words for soul Ray, for we see in him a reluctance to
perform the ritual that shall be needed. And yet, there is no other to do this
for you, for he must perform what is known as the birthing ritual,
that you may pass through the world clean. It must be his decision, and
we cannot make it for him. [Editor’s note: these words were spoken a week before the Corn Ceremony
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka.
I have a question from C____ A____...
We shall answer your question once again. You have come forth to find and seek out that which is needed for the spiritual fulfillment of yourself and those of your loved ones. We say unto you, nay, the time is now. You have been called before this, and the words have meant something to you before. Do not they mean as much to you now? Is not your need for growth as great as it was before?
When your father passed over, you had many doubts in your mind. Now is the time to make your own soul peace. “Ask and you shall receive.” But greater than asking takes an effort upon your own part. You must pass through on your own because that is what you want, and it must take the effort to do so. With the knowledge you shall have, make an effort that allows your friend[s] to know that they too may pass through.
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. Another question, ‘Dear Aka, can you please tell us when and where the Chinese people entered the Earth? Thank you. G_____ B____.’”
It will be necessary to repeat the question.
“Yes, Aka. G_____ B_____ asks, ‘Can you please tell us when and where the Chinese people entered this Earth?’”
We should answer your question in this manner. The Chinese people, before the
Mongolian invasion, were of a pure race. The Mongolian invasion changed that
drastically. You will find one of the oldest fertile crests [crescents] on the earth, not once, but three times
You have other questions, ask.
“Thank you, Aka. I only have a life reading from S___ L________.”
Not at the present time. There will be no more life readings until after the 16th. There is two reasons for this − one, your time is too short, too precious. Questions you should have asked you have not asked. And we shall try and answer these. The greatest reason that we shall not give life readings until after is because there will be those who shall wish to pass forth and be [born] again. This may sound strange unto some.
This will begin the 14th, the 15th, the 16th,
and end on the 17th morning at sunrise. Some of you will have
thought that this is the same length of time and the same time, that your rituals were held, to be held, the time when
that that was known as Jesus Christ was crucified. The time span from
Yet, as we came in five places upon your Earth, and so, because of the great pressures applied to the instruments that were chosen, because of the hardships that were placed upon them, they fell away. Some, because of the powers given unto them, tried to use them to become gods into themselves. This is why, at the present time, you have one place of entry.
For it is our hope that in the four years that is to come, and on upon the moon cycles, that soul Ray will have found those that he can train to allow those to pass through, in making [the] pass through, or pass over, as you would call it, or resurrection, as we would call it. But there are those that could be trained. He will know these when he sees them.
And hopefully, other places will be made ready.
But from where he stands, he knows how to open the portal any place on the Earth that he wishes. But at the present time, the easiest place and the place that we have made ready is what you would call your chapel at Dripping Springs, because both the healing springs and the chapel exist and [has] made ready for this time.
Before this time, on what you call the back side of the dam, of the healing springs, should be cleaned out, that the water shall be allowed to cleanse itself and be ready. For there will be those who will choose baptism at that time.
We say unto you, you had a pure harvest. Bring that of the purest and best of your, what you would call your prickly pear juice, and it shall be made into wine that day. But bring it.
You have other questions, ask.
“I have no other questions.”
Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.
Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.
[Editor’s note: This transcript was
compared to Aka’s recorded voice. Copyrighted © 1987
by Ray Elkins, Globe, AZ.]
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